Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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HomeSportsDomesticAnti-coup protests continue despite increasing violence and insecurity

Anti-coup protests continue despite increasing violence and insecurity

Anti-coup protest continues in major cities across Myanmar amid the increasing armed violence and growing insecurity due to violent resistance following the deadly crackdown of peaceful protesters early this year.

Since February, the anti-coup protests have never stopped particularly in cities, including Yangon, Mandalay, Pyigyidagun, Kalay, Let Pa Daung area of Salingyi township and many other towns across the country.

A relatively small group of people from all walks of life, including students, workers, activists, religious groups, and different gender communities, have continued organizing anti-coup protests despite growing insecurity and violence across the country.

For example, a small group of locals held an anti-coup protest in Kalay and Let Pa Daung areas of the Sagaing region and Mandalay Pyigyidagun every day since February. According to Myanmar Labor News, as of today 29 November, the local people in Kalay have been holding anti-coup protests for 295 days, since February early this year.

The people have also organized the anti-coup protests in various forms, including people-less poster campaigns, the boycott against military-owned companies, businesses, and products such as military-owned Mytel telecom, Myanmar beer, closure of military-affiliated shopping malls and markets, and anti-schooling campaign under the military regime.


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