08 September 2022
Hundreds of Myanmar nationals, mainly women from ethnic minorities – Chin, Kachin and Karen- are facing a dire situation of being sold into Arab countries through agents based in the city of Dubai, which a source with the knowledge said to be a result of the collaborative works of agents between Myanmar and Dubai, a new revelation has emerged.
Image of human trafficking victims. Photo/Facebook viral Image of human trafficking victims. Photo/Facebook viral Image of human trafficking victims. Photo/Facebook viral
Although Myanmar women were promised to find jobs in Dubai, the agents in Dubai city are instead sending Myanmar women to several regional countries such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen and, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan.
Crooked agents are flourishing in Myanmar taking full advantage of the political turmoil in the country as hundreds of thousands of youths, men and women are searching for an exit from the country.
Myanmar agents responsible for sending hundreds of women to Dubai city are;
1. Kay Thi Myint
2. Mi Mi (aka) Naw Thaw Say
3. Lat Lat 4. Thin Thin Wai
5. Min Min (husband of Kay Thi Myint)
6. Kyi Kyi Myint
7. Khin Lay
8. Ni Lar
9. Soe Soe Chit
10. Zin Mar Phyu
11. Mi Mi Latt
12. Win Tun
13. Ye Ye Win
14. Soe Soe Lwin
15. Swe Swe Myint
16. Lat Lat Win
17. Ti Ha (brother of Kay Thi Myint)
18. San Naung
People in Yangon tell Chindwin that there are too many brokers back in business, like in 2010, as people are exponentially charged fees for making passports and other necessary documentation for applying visas for other countries.
New Oo Revolution has broken the news, revealing the name list of agents in the scamming scheme and confirming that more agents involving in the scheme.