(KALAYMYO): The Mizoram police force has nabbed Thursday Mr David Zam Deih Piang, 20, with illegal drugs worth Indian Rupee 31.3 million in Camphai district of Mizoram state of India.
Camphai town of Mizoram state borders with the northern Chin state of Myanmar.
On 20 August, Mr Thangsiankhia, 26, and Zamlamsum, 24, both from Thinglei village in Tedim township of Chin state in Myanmar, were arrested for possessing 50,000 tablets of Methamphetamine and 14 grams of heroin, according to the official of the Mizoram Excise and Narcotics Department.
Many Myanmar refugee communities in India are worried that the Central Government of India will this opportunity to crackdown upon a wider population of Myanmar refugees in Mizoram and across India – Myanmar borders.