Yangon – A 60-year-old man from Inywa village was reportedly killed by the shelling of heavy weapon by Myanmar’s junta army at the IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camp in the north of Taze Township, with four youths badly beaten and taken away by the junta army and its militia group – Pyo Saw Htee this morning, 06 March 2022.
Thousands are fleeing their villages in Taze Township and other surrounding townships and taking shelter in the jungles to avoid the junta army’s offensive against their village in which hundreds have been killed, dozens burned alive and more than a thousand houses have been burned to the ground in the northwest region.
Local People Defense Force (PDF) based in the area has attacked the junta army and its militia Pyo Saw Htee while the junta forces are starting to burn the houses at the village, pushing the junta forces to retreat from the village.
Hours later, local People Defense Force was given a tip about the plan of junta’s militia Pyo Saw Htee group with around 230 personnel marching back to the village to assault the local PDF and burn the village.
Local PDF has quickly organized planting landmines on the road, which have killed six members of the Pyo Saw Htee group and injured dozen, according to an eyewitness.
The villagers have to bury one body of the junta’s militia Pyo Saw Htee group.
This afternoon, the junta army attempted to make an offensive in the area but they made a journey through the jungle to avoid the landmine trap. Yet, many junta soldiers are reportedly killed by the landmines planted by local People Defense Force in the jungles.
The clash in Kabe village between the junta’s militia Pyo Saw Htee and local PDF has resulted in the death of 2 junta’s militia members and wounding four of the group.
As of 06 March, Taze Township in Sagaing region is still cut off from internet access.