Yangon (Chindwin) : In a blow to what appears to be the irremovable institution – Tatmadaw guarded by the ironic hands of successive military leaders since 1960, the defection of military soldiers and the police force is going slow but still strong, defying the military coup d’état.
The constant military defection is worrisomely a nightmare for the military top brass, with many believing to be in line for defection in droves, according to recent defectors.
Recently, a former Sergeant Hin Lian Piang, who became an aide to Brig-Gen Myo Htut Hlaing during an interview with Chinland Defense Forces, he said that thousands are willing to defect and know what the military leaders are doing are not acceptable. However, he added the military put high security measures for soldiers and their families. It is extremely difficult for them to defect as the military will do all means, such as torturing and killing the army’s family members.
Sending two military high-ranked Lieutenant General Than Hlaing and Tay Za Kyaw to Northwest command to lead the Anawrahta operation, which targets Chin State, Magway and Sagaing regions, shows that Myanmar’s military has fully prepared an onslaught against the resistance groups.
People Defense Forces (PDF) used by Myanmar’s ethnic Bamar are active in Magway and Sagaing regions and mostly the Barmar mainland areas, whereas Chinland Defense Forces and Chin National Army (CNA) are present in Chin State.
Amidst the heightened tensions of the military junta’s operation in the northwest of Myanmar waging war against civilians, resistance forces and ethnic armed groups, the junta forces defecting to resistance groups, including the Defense Force of National Unity Government, is going strong.
Today, People’s Soldier group releases a statement that captain Aung Myo Htet – a graduate of Defense Services Academy (52nd intake) from battalion 66 under LID 80 (Inwa) has joined Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).
People soldiers said that they have been working around the clock to facilitate the defection from the military and police, adding that around 2,000 soldiers and police officers have joined CDM between February and August.
Police captain Khun Aung Ko Ko, who defected after the coup and has been helping other officers’ defect, recently told Radio Free Asia that around 6,000 police have defected since February.
Of all 14 states and regions, Chin state has the most extensive record of defections as a total of 350 police and 21 soldiers defied the military rule and joined CDM since the Feb 01 coup.
The Chindwin contacted Mr Htet Ni, a spokesperson for Chin National Front/Army (CNF/A) on the report emerging that 200 defected soldiers joined CNF/A and confirmed that it is not correct that the 200 defected soldiers joined CNF/A while very handful indeed decided to side with CNF/A and fight the military regime.