28 August 2022
The military junta’s campaign of “burn-all-and-kill-all” since its barbaric coup in February last year, the junta has burned more than 28,000 houses across the country until 25 August.
The last three months (April, May and June) are one of the highest rates of the junta’s arson attacks – primarily centred in Sagaing – northwest Myanmar, as more than 12,000 houses were burned to the ground in Sagaing region totalling up to 20,153, according to Data for Myanmar.
31 townships out of 37 townships in Sagaing are suffering from the military junta’s cruel campaign against civilian targets, a new report added. As the country has plunged into a civil war following the military’s brutal coup on 01 February 2021, the war has sight of ending in the foreseeable future, with the recent fighting in Rakhine and Karen states showing the war is heading to more aggressiveness.